Why Is My Furnace Not Turning On?

As we're getting into the colder months, many people are turning on their furnaces for the first time only to discover that they're not working. The air conditioning unit and furnace are two completely different systems, so it's entirely possible for your AC unit to function perfectly well, while your residential heating system is in a state of disrepair. Fortunately, there are a few very simple reasons for why your furnace may not be firing as it should. [Read More]

Repair or Replace: What Should I Do With My Water Heater?

When it comes to water heaters, the decision to simply replace or repair it can be difficult. On the one hand, water heater repair is less expensive and can provide you with several more years worth of service, but a new water heater installation allows you peace of mind from knowing that if anything does go wrong, it's most likely under warranty.  So when your water heater goes on the fritz, which one do you choose then? [Read More]

The HVAC Problems That Need Emergency Repairs To Keep Your Home Comfortable

The HVAC in your home is a complicated system that needs to be serviced seasonally and maintained throughout the year. When there are problems, it can cause your home to become uncomfortable quickly, and you may need emergency HVAC repairs. The following HVAC problems may require emergency repairs before they get worse. AC wear and ice buildup—The air conditioner can wear over the summer months, which can lead to problems at the tail end of summer. [Read More]

Compressor Problems and AC Repairs You Will Need to Get Cooling Again

The biggest problem with air conditioners during the summer months is the compressor not working. Sometimes these problems may be due to minor issues like the unit icing over, but they can also be more serious. Therefore, you want to know what is causing your AC compressor to not cool your home as it should. The following compressor problems and AC repairs will help ensure your home stays cool: Freezing and icing of AC components—During summer weather, the AC can strain to keep your home cool when maintenance has not been done on components like the coil and compressor. [Read More]