Three Great Ways To Help Prevent Air Conditioning Repairs

Air conditioning repairs are not only a big hassle, especially during the summer months when you want to use it, but they can also be quite costly, which may make you want to avoid getting the repairs done altogether. Luckily, there are few things that you can do that will prevent repairs, which in turn helps you save money on the cost of repairs. Here are three great ways to help you prevent repairs: [Read More]

6 Ways To Get Your Heating Bills Under Control

Winter is in full swing right now, so you might have noticed your heating costs going up. It can be very frustrating to open up your heating bills every month when they cost hundreds of dollars. The positive news is that you can lower these costs by making some simple changes. Here are six effective ways to get your heating bills under control: Stop Using Your Ventilator Fans So Much [Read More]

The Three Main Types Of Gas Furnaces

Gas furnaces are one of the most common types of central heating units available on the market today. They are highly efficient, quiet, and work to ensure that your home remains comfortable during the cold winter months. Gas furnaces can be broadly divided into three main categories, all of which operate in different ways to provide the same function. Understanding the differences between the three main types of gas furnaces can help you choose the one that best meets your home's needs. [Read More]

Furnace Not Working? Follow These Tips To Stay Warm Until It's Fixed

If your home's furnace has broken down in the middle of the winter, you are going to have to wait it out in the cold until an HVAC repair technician can get out to your home. You will need to keep warm until then, but if you do not have a fireplace or access to space heaters, it may be difficult. Follow these 3 tips to help you stay warm. [Read More]