Is Your Home's Air Conditioning Sufficient?

Air conditioning is one of the greatest comforts of modern life. There is more to providing comfort than installing an AC unit. The setup needs to be sufficient to meet the space's needs. If you're not confident that your home's system is up to the job, here is how you can tell. Running Time Under normal conditions and in a house with sufficient insulation, the AC should not run all of the time. [Read More]

Your HVAC System's Maintenance Plan

After investing money in a new HVAC system, prepare a maintenance plan and use some strategies to prevent the HVAC equipment from becoming damaged. Seek An Annual Tune-Up An HVAC tune-up is a service that many HVAC contractors offer. A tune-up involves inspecting, cleaning, and replacing HVAC materials. During a tune-up service, a contractor will take note of any performance issues. If the unit isn't blowing out cool air efficiently, it may prompt the contractor to inspect the interior components of the system for dust buildup. [Read More]

3 Air Conditioning Problems Costing You Money Every Month

Air conditioning system problems can come in many different forms. While some issues may be severe enough to leave you sweating through the summer, others may still allow your system to function. Unfortunately, just because your system runs doesn't mean that it's running efficiently. Many air conditioning problems can affect your AC efficiency, costing you extra money every month. Keep reading to learn about three common and subtle issues that might be sapping your AC efficiency and wallet. [Read More]

Electrical Safety Standards When Operating HVAC Equipment

HVAC equipment should be operated according to a manufacturer's suggestions. Upon purchasing a new HVAC unit, a licensed contractor should be hired to configure the HVAC unit's wiring and conduct the necessary installation steps. The contractor will outline some safety guidelines, including what signs of trouble will require a professional service appointment. The Initial Service Appointment Installing an HVAC system will require electrical knowledge. A wiring diagram is furnished with a new HVAC unit. [Read More]