Keeping Your Home Warm In The Winter? Top Tips For Reducing Your Bill

Ensuring your property is comfortable year-round is vital. However, one of the times when you'll especially want to do so is during the winter months. This is when the weather may be freezing, and you'll need to work harder to keep your body warm. Doing this can be expensive, and taking the time to learn ways to reduce your bill is important. 1. Use a programmable thermostat One of the ways to help keep your heating bill down is to rely on a programmable thermostat to help. [Read More]

Have High Heating Bills With A Newer Furnace? Check These Important Things Today

If you are tracking the rise in your heating bills and you are starting to worry that you must replace your unit that isn't that old, you first want to call  HVAC professionals. A service professional can come to examine your furnace. Some small changes can give you big results and savings. Call around and get quotes for a tune-up and furnace evaluation. The following are a few things you may want to have an HVAC service check. [Read More]

Top Reasons To Install A Heat Pump In Your Home

If you live in a moderate climate and are building a new home or replacing your current heating system, you will have to make a decision about what type of system to install. Many people are familiar with having a furnace and separate air conditioning system, but more and more people are opting to have heat pumps installed instead. Installing a heat pump is a great solution in areas where there may be chilly or even cold winter nights but few days where the low low temperature is below freezing. [Read More]

Do's And Don'ts When Maintaining Your Furnace During The Winter

Homeowners who take great care of their furnaces often do so because they fear the dreaded furnace breakdown. This is when your furnace breaks down, and you have to sit in the cold while waiting for a furnace repair technician get your furnace working again. There are certain forms of maintenance that will reduce the risk of this happening. Don't Crack Your Heat Exchanger The most common reason for why your furnace breaks down is that you develop a crack in the heat exchanger. [Read More]